Thursday, 6 October 2016

Post-Coup Turkey Crisis: Time For Nigeria To Grab The Bull By The Horn

Nigerian Youth Corps Members

One of the greatest lessons history has ever taught us is that two of the factors that define the progress of any society are its youths, its viable educational structure, coupled with its ability to harnesses the two together for certain developmental targets. Looking around from the nook to the cranny of the country, as a patriotic Nigerian, it’s often painful when you see your country being lackadaisical towards what will thrive its developmental prospects. The consequence of this ‘i-don’t-care’ attitude may be said to be what describes where and what we are –a nation languishing in the illusion of past glory and clearly bereft of agenda of modern development.

Agreed or not, the fact is incontrovertible that when a nation, either by design (of ignorance) or default, configures its education and its youths at the lesser end in the national scale of preferences, such nation is digging its grave gradually. And for Nigeria, from the vision-bereft dimension it manages its teeming legion of youths and its meager management of education system, it can be concluded that, unknowingly it’s hitching towards the brink of what seems to be a perennial ill-luck. This is what we don't pray for. But if care is not taken many Nigeria’s best brains will leave en mass, searching for flora and fauna and in pursuit of their personal survival and academic goals oversea, where they can easily explore their world better. Worst for Nigeria they will go ahead to forget home -a colossal loss for a nation of great brains.

Youths and education, as being often preached are the bedrock of national development. And for any nation that has set the dreams of greater objectives for itself it must start building its Jerusalem by exploring the plethora of unlocked opportunities in its youths. This by providing a conducive ground of academic excellence for them and ensure their future is totally secured. This is what America did and still doing; this is what most of the European giants do. Singapore, close to two decades was in the same murky pool of ill-luck- a third world nation like Nigeria in dire need of positive fundamental changes in their both economic and political streamline. Today Singapore remains one of the respected Asian Tigers.

Sunday, 2 October 2016

Nigeria @56: Facing Our Jerusalem Again From The Old National Anthem

Nigeria's flag
 One of the significant landmarks of self-fulfillment is to be independent and free from external influence. And of course for Nigeria as a nation, the need for freedom was an incumbent crusade of urgency, at that first minute the idea to be a sovereign state was conceived.  For many years prior to 1960 Nigeria was a hapless victim of colonial extortion and British exploitative agenda. It was indeed a peregrination of draconian rule ridden by all forms of worst colonial imposition. And for this reason Nigeria will continue to remember late Sir Anthony Enahoro for seeing the vision from the illusion of dark days, and those who with their blood the flag of the nation was raised. 
Yesterday clocked Nigeria is 56 –a gradual metamorphosis from toddler stage to giant-hood. Yes, we all woke up to see the flag of our nation set on another significant threshold of sovereignty. Despite all odds: myriad of challenges ranging from our religious cum ethnic differences, political cum intellectual diversities we’ve managed to survive, crossing dangerous roads, even in the face of often foretold revelations that we shall disintegrate. We have managed to maintain the brotherhood bound, singing our common anthem of freedom and patriotism from the bottom-line of River Niger to the pinnacle of Zuma Rock.