Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Home Coming and Other Poems

Cry of Blood

I cry of mercy in the face of blood
Like begging urchins

And nothing but blood
And sour memories of lost relatives

My face is the signpost
Of b-ro-ken homes and carcasses
Of hopes still decaying
Shunned atop the brink of dusty roads

I am the tears and (glory) torn
The remnant of a land
In the hand of terror
I am a homeless pedestrian-
Wretched almajiris in Nigeria
Frail orphans in Sudan and Somalia, finding solace
Beneath the loft of motorway bridges

I am the dream of Africa
Perished on the Mediterranean Sea
On the course of survival.

Home Coming
    (for  'Laniyi)

I want to wing back home
To see my Mama again
Is the song of a travelling bird
Thrown away into a long distance
By the towering yearning of survival

I want to see my home
Is the desire of a feisty warrior
In a battle of victory
Home may not be as it was
The time of golden age might have gone
But I will go to that land

The sea might be billowing
But I must survive and cross the blizzard
I must not die the death
Of fish that never reaches the sea-depth

Smoke rises from the loft of hut
Fleeing its way beyond the taming air
But I want to rise above the smoke
I want to soar above the moon
Higher above the tower of blue sky
So I can have the sweet tales of distance
For the land that wombs my pride.

 How To Fly

You once told me I would soar
Above the outstretch eagle's energy
Could carry it but I have no wings
How do I then fly
And tour the firmament around
Without feathers in my arms
Like wild birds in forest?

I've been told I'm a stranger
In the game of flying
(They say) success is for those
Born with thousand stars in their finger
Or people with cowries in their palm
From the vineyard of gold-mongers

Now that I could see strands of grey
And still without move
Of my flight from the ground to the blue sky
Tell me when I will fly
Perhaps at forty, fifty, or fifty five
When my hair is full of grey
And my bone weak?

Fly is a word strange to the lexicon
Of people like me from the village
But since you said I will fly
I will one day.

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