The polithiefcians are here again with guns
The blood of innocents about to be flowing again
In the silent breeze
Mouth about to stop chewing and body about
To be tormented by hungry dearth
The polithiefcians are here again
Villages, cities, and streets about silenced
Like moonless night
The battle- mongers and country dogs about
Obeying their masters like sheep in the hand of shepherd
Without considering where nail that pinches the poor
But skew against down-trodden for reward of’ thank you’
from Oga
Vermin of leaders that loot public money into foreign
In the air-conditioned they live and forget those at the
The polithiefcians are here again
To leave the country in another anguish and cry
To leave us in another bombshell of painful solitary- war
without solace
The polithiefcian are here again indeed
But only to make murmur of lies to silence our clamour
Before the election they came our house at night
From streets to streets, from hamlet to hamlet
They lured us with their sugared smiles
And a well crafted bill boards and poster around
And jingles to ensnare us
But in return they come back like leopard
About to devour us.
Since it was you my heart was given
Since it was you
In a cloudy night
And a whistling wind
In all thin season
Why today you abash me like dried leaves
You pierce my heart in shambolic manner
You contempt my heart like gloomed flowers
It is you!
The distresses of my mind
Your beauty bisects my heart in solitary ecstasy
Your beauty that brightens the African sky
Makes my love bodacious like summer night
Like costly garment and African attire
Like invaluable jewel hanging on Black damsel’s neck
Since it was you
Your anomalous attitude cannot infuriate me
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